Pink October

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Pink October

September 29 / 2021

Pink October

October is the month of increasing attention and support for the breast cancer awareness, early detection and treatment.

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women worldwide and the leading cause of cancer death in them. In 2020, 685,000 people died from this cancer.

Breast cancer is also the most common type of cancer in Iran and almost a quarter of Iranian women diagnosed with cancer are suffered from this type. Given that the incidence rate in Iran is increasing by about 6% annually, it is predicted that the number of cases will double in the next 10 years. The average age of onset in Iran is 10 years younger than the world and almost half of women with breast cancer in Iran are under 50 years old.

Despite these shocking statistics, breast cancer can be controlled and treated if diagnosed early, and this shows the need for raising public awareness about prevention and early detection methods.

Mammography is the most effective method for early detection and prevention of breast cancer, which significantly reduces the mortality rate of this cancer with a timely diagnosis (even years before the onset of any symptoms). For this purpose, all women even asymptomatic ones should get a mammogram every two years after the age of 40.

Payamed, as an active company in the field of women's health, has always been concerned with raising awareness and fighting against breast cancer, and considers itself responsible for promoting women's health and awareness.

“Women’s health     Family peace     Society vitality”